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yayyyyy! if youre reading this the site must be up. so, thats cool. anyways, click the links button at the top, thats probably what youre here for.

i was using google sites, because it got the job done, but i hated how little customizability it had. i cant hide things on google sites. so i downloaded microsoft expression web 4, an old ass program from like 2010, so i can make my own 90's style personal site. ive always wanted one, and now here we are. im prolly gonna be putting a bunch of stuff on here, some of it might be hard to find but thats the fun of it.

site plans

- personal pages - looking at the old web, you notice how much of the creator is in their crappy site, and its silly. i like it.
- more silly 90's gifs!!!
-      maybe page[s] for things i make
- i just remembered i have a lot of old unfinished doom .wad's which would fit in perfect on a site like this.

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[99% of these are me]

 theres a lotta hidden stuff on here, or at least there will be. so if i ever kill myself or shoot up a school, you guys will have a hell of a time on here.

page last updated 1/11/24
old school gif